
At home where it matters.

Our 24-hour swivel chairs are used in a diverse range of sectors:
from fire stations and rescue services, police and airports, to public authorities and businesses spanning all industries.

Many of us certainly remember the days when there was a small railway cottage next to a level crossing or a switch, where a railway attendant was on…

Wiener Netze is Austria's largest combined network operator. The network stretches over 29,500 kilometres: it comprises an electricity, gas and…

Do you also find airports fascinating? Our field force colleagues get out and about a lot and get to know interesting companies in the process, but…

Is there life on other planets? How can we predict natural disasters? These are just some of the fascinating questions that the German National…

Emergency call in a control centre: A distraught woman calls to say that her husband has collapsed in the garden in the midday heat. A fast response…

As the national grid company and owner of the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid, Swissgrid is responsible for its infrastructure as well as the operation…

The Reichstag building is one of Germany’s best-known landmarks. Around 700 members of the German Bundestag and their colleagues work there and in the…

The Rosenheim Integrated Control Centre is responsible for the districts of Rosenheim and Miesbach as well as the city of Rosenheim and thus for…

The Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Bad Münstereifel receives radio waves from up to 12 billion light years away with the help of…

TG Services specialises in the activation of emergency call devices and the technical monitoring of lifts. If there is a technical problem with a…

Securitas Germany has been equipping all 24/7 workstations with Svenstol 24-hour chairs since 2017. Including in the emergency call and security…

The Integrated Regional Control Centre East Saxony (IRLS OSN) in Hoyerswerda is one of 5 control centres in Saxony and is responsible for an area of…

The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe are Germany's largest public transport company. With its underground, tram, bus and ferry services, 15,300 employees…

The Integrated Control Centre (ILS) Allgäu in Kempten is responsible for the emergency call 112 in a 3,350 km² area - from the Alps to…

For a few years now, people in the office of Alster Touristik GmbH have been sitting on Svenstol, and now their colleagues on the water can also enjoy…

Frankfurt Police’s command and situation service has been using the Svenstol S5 24 hour chair in its control centre since 2019.

50Hertz operates the electricity transmission grid in northern and eastern Germany. The 50Hertz grid area includes the federal states of Brandenburg,…

The Frankfurt airport is Germany’s largest airport. In 2019, more than 70 million passengers arrived here by plane or took off to another airport.…

Have you ever been on a motorway in Austria? Then you’ll have – hopefully – purchased a vignette toll sticker and have already had dealings with one…

The US air base Ramstein is the largest US Air Force base outside of the US. The military base near Kaiserslautern is about 14 square kilometres and…

Measuring over 13,000 kilometres long, Germany’s motorway networks are among the largest and best-developed in the world. And that’s a good thing,…

Since the start of 2020, people at the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) have been sitting on Svenstol 24h chairs. In a one-month test and selection…

The Amprion System Operation and Control Centre in Brauweiler near Cologne, Germany, opened in summer 2021 and is the largest of its kind in Europe.…

Before 39 t-shirts, 70 kilowatt hours of electricity, 4 kilograms of asphalt, 540 toothbrushes or 750 combs can be produced from a single barrel of…

“North/east wind, runway zero-three I can hear the engines from here She flashes by like an arrow The sound is pounding in my ear“ These lines from…

A build time of around 3 years, 4300 m² of eff ective fl oor area, 85 km of power lines, 138 km of data lines and 37 desks for around 100 control room…

All in the name of driver safety: On the ATP test tracks, cars are tested to their limits around the clock. To ensure that everything runs smoothly,…

Customers who trust us

Berliner Wasserbetriebe
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz
Bundesministerium für Inneres
Deutsche Bahn
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke
Deutsche Flugsicherung
Flughafen München
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Stadtentwässerung Nürnberg
Wiener Netze